17 september 2023
Itinerant theatre performance

Details is an itinerant theatre performance that transforms the wounds and the flaws of the city - the cracks on buildings, the encrusted walls, the stains on the asphalt - into works of art, till the creation of an open air museum, free and open to everybody. A project of urban rigeneration which, unifying visive art, partecipative theatre and new technologies, invite us to discover the wonder into daily life.

The catalogue of shapes is infinite: till any shape won't have found its city, new cities will continue to born. (Le Città invisibili – Italo Calvino)

The itinerant theatre performance will be the result of a previous research phase, during which the flaws of the city will come alive and will transform into works of art thanks to the artist's fantasy. All the works of art will be shared on a dedicated website, together with the relative location of each of them.

17th of September, h 3 pm | itinerant theatre performance
17th of September h 5 | Press Conferennce of the theatrical season and buffet

Participation will be FREE. Booking at biglietteria@pimoff.it

LUIGI CIOTTA is a polyhedric artist, actor, clown and painter. His various artistic languages integrate and mix with each other, choosing as privileged location teh street and the public space, space meant as a common good to take care and to re-imagine continuosly in relation to the realities that inhabit it.

Project inserted in "Milano è viva" with the contribution of Milan Municipality. Selected in collaboration with Festival In\Visible Cities.

17 september 2023
Itinerant theatre performance