21-22 may 2025
Debutto regionale

Inspired by a true story, the show tells of a journey across borders, boundless, toothless, in search of a new smile.

by and with Savino Paparella
directed by Francesco Pennacchia
production Archimede Bridge Productions

A surreal adventure, trying to leave behind a miserable reality, of smiles missed, postponed, chewed by human and economic misery. A bus in the night collects various humanity of losers to reach a clinic in Croatia, where at good prices you make implants that will not leave regrets. The light of the next day will shine on new smiles of pats, without plaque.
The life is clenched between teeth, it can be bitten again.

21 and 22 May, h20:00

Tickets: Full 18 €. Reduced 12 € (online on Vivaticket, over 60) Reduced 10 € (under 30, groups of 5 people)
Recommended booking at biglietteria@pimoff.it
Duration: 60 minutes

21-22 may 2025
Debutto regionale