9-10 february 2025
Dedutto regionale

After the success of Sergio, Francesca Sarteanesi returns to PimOff with Nikita, her latest show, the story of two very distant women who share a real intimacy, between the lights of a luna park and the details of a rough tale.

With Francesca Sarteanesi and Alessia Spinelli
Dramaturgy and ideation Francesca Sarteanesi and Tommaso Cheli
Directed by Francesca Sarteanesi
Costumes Rebecca Ihle
Scenography Rebecca Ihle and Lorenzo Cianchi
Design of lights Marco Santambrogio
Carolina Agostini Technique
Sound Francesco Baldi
Production SCARTI Centro di Produzione Teatrale d'Innovazione/Teatro Metastasio di Prato
With the support of Teatri di Pistoia
Thanks to Nikita, the Luna Park of Pistoia and Francesca Saturnino
Photos by Gabriele Acerboni

Duration 60 minutes

Sunday, 9 February, 4 pm
Monday 10 February, 8 pm

Tickets: Full 18 €. Reduced 12 € (online on Vivaticket, over 60) Reduced 10 € (under 30, groups of 5 people)
Recommended booking at biglietteria@pimoff.it

9-10 february 2025
Dedutto regionale