15-16 december 2024
Debutto regionale

Oscar de Summa returns to PimOff with a new story that begins in the provinces and the memory of a girl he met as a teenager. Through quantum theory and the entanglement experiment, De Summa reflects on human relationships and the possibility of indissoluble bonds beyond death.

by and with Oscar De Summa
light design and set Matteo Gozzi
Sound Oscar De Summa
A production by Attodue - Emilia Romagna Teatro ERT / Teatro Nazionale
with the support of GialloMare Minimal Teatro, fondazione Armunia, PimOff Milano, Ater Fondazione

Sunday, December 15th at 4 PM

Monday, December 16th at 8 PM

Tickets: Full price €18. Reduced price €12 (online on Vivaticket, over 60). Reduced price €10 (under 30, groups of 5 people).

Reservation recommended at: biglietteria@pimoff.it

Duration: 60 minutes


15-16 december 2024
Debutto regionale