10 november 2024
Debutto regionale

On stage, a man dances the implosion due to the accumulation of a construct - the Italian masculinity. The performance aims to be a danced investigation of the recent history of masculinity, as well as a proposal for a new code to be rebuilt on the ruins of a heritage that, today, seems to speak to us very little.

Sunday, November 10, at 4:00 PM

Tickets: Full price €10, reduced price dance card €5 (10 tickets available by booking at biglietteria@pimoff.it and showing the 2023-24 dance card on the night of the performance)

Booking recommended at biglietteria@pimoff.it

Duration: 30 minutes

Following the performance, there will be a talk curated by dance circle, a cross-disciplinary moment of exploration into the world of dance, in collaboration with Stratagemmi Prospettive Teatrali

10 november 2024
Debutto regionale