6 october 2024
Over/Emergenze Teatrali

The show explores the world of those who have chosen to become state's witnesses. Enzo and Giovanni Brusca tell their upbringing; two boys raised like animals who, through violence and oppression, achieved their positions in society.

Semifinalist of OVER/Emergenze Teatrali 2024

Sunday, October 6th at 7:30 PM

Tickets:  €10 for one night, 15 euro combo Bimbo Astronave + Cantanti

Reservation recommended at: biglietteria@pimoff.it

Duration: 50 minutes

Followed by a discussion with the audience

OVER/Emergenze Teatrali is a national project curated by Argot Produzioni, in networking with Nest Napoli Est Teatro, FTT – Fertili Terreni Teatro, and PimOff. Four metropolitan theater, always attentive to innovation in stage languages, have joined forces to create a support pathway that can guarantee visibility to various emerging companies and accompany an artistic project in its development phase to its debut.

6 october 2024
Over/Emergenze Teatrali