5 october 2024
Over/Emergenze Teatrali

A contemporary theater performance in which real events coexist with irrational mental digressions in the story of a young man who narrates his relationship with his mother, clinically and socially labeled as "crazy." Rivoira explores the thin line that divides those who are "sane" from those who are not.

Written and performed by Edoardo Rivoira
Dramaturg: Francesco Cecchi Aglietti
Directed by Ivo Randaccio

Bimbo Astronave is Edoardo Rivoira's ultimate attempt to confront mental health. Edoardo doesn’t believe in psychiatry and sees theater as an opportunity to start a therapeutic process that will free him from the fear of going mad. For this reason, he asks Ivo, his friend and colleague, to take on the role of director-therapist. Together, they will discover that there can be no answers, only questions, that mental health cannot be objectified, and that only he can find the center from which to take off. And become an adult. But will he be ready to do so?

Semifinalist of OVER/Emergenze Teatrali 2024

Saturday, October 5th at 7:30 PM

Tickets:  €10 for one night, 15 euro combo Bimbo Astronave + Cantanti

Reservation recommended at: biglietteria@pimoff.it

Duration: 50 minutes

Followed by a discussion with the audience

OVER/Emergenze Teatrali is a national project curated by Argot Produzioni, in networking with Nest Napoli Est Teatro, FTT – Fertili Terreni Teatro, and PimOff. Four metropolitan theater, always attentive to innovation in stage languages, have joined forces to create a support pathway that can guarantee visibility to various emerging companies and accompany an artistic project in its development phase to its debut.

5 october 2024
Over/Emergenze Teatrali