16-17 november 2024
Tout Public

The show, which combines puppetry, circus and comedy, brings to the attention of spectators, even the youngest, the exploitation in intensive farming and the ambivalent relationship with meat, characterized by ever new taboos, all with magical lightness of dance and juggling.

by and with Luigi Ciotta
direction Adrian Schvarzstein
assistant director Francesco Sgrò
scenography Yasmin Pochat e Augusta Tibaldeschi
costumes Roberta Vacchetta
light design and sound Luca Carbone

Show recommended from 7 years

Saturday, November 16th at 6 PM

Sunday, November 17th at 4 PM

Tickets: Adults 10, 5 Under 14, free under 3.

Reservation recommended at: biglietteria@pimoff.it

Duration: 50 minutes


16-17 november 2024
Tout Public